Saturday, March 1, 2014

Creating a subtheme based on a core theme

This recipe details the steps involved in creating a subtheme of an existing theme, which in this case is the core theme, Garland.
Subthemes allow developers to customize and extend existing theme installations in a non-destructive manner. They are also handy in keeping the amount of repetitious code to a minimum thereby improving efficiency and easing management.

Here We Go:

  • Go to Drupal root Folder.Then, Create a mytheme folder inside sites|all|themes.
  • Now, create file inside mytheme folder.
  • Edit file add the following lines inside that file

name = mytheme
description = a multi-column theme includes(css,phptemplate,3-col)
base theme = garland
core = 7.x
  • It is useful to add an informative description field as it will be visible in the theme administration page.
  • save the file.
  • go to drupal admin control panel.Navigate to admin/Appearance/ to check if theme is available.

  • As the preceding screenshot attests, the theme administration page should now include our new theme - Mytheme. Enabling it should confirm that it is more or less identical to Garland and can now be extended further as per our requirements.

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